Mindfulness is paying attention to the present moment, being aware of what you are doing, how you are feeling, what you are sensing with the sense of openness, curiosity and kindness to ourselves. Mindfulness is simply ‘being’ at this very moment, rather than thinking about the past, or dreaming about the future.
Whatever your circumstance is, we come to a point in life, when our unhelpful thinking habits (negative self-talk, rumination, over-thinking) take over our ability to clearly see the perspective, to maintain optimistic outlook to the future, or to have energy to fulfill our greatest potential. In addition to that, our energy bank gets to a zero balance, with the emotional resilience being at its minimum. Mindfulness is one of the tools to re-discover the joy of the present moment, the beauty of being, and the life here and now.
Whatever our life event, circumstance or daily challenges are Mindfulness tools and Mindful Living may bring back such qualities of life as joy, harmony, relaxation, relationships, focus, and productivity. Practicing regularly you may enhance your sleep habits, reduce stress and anxiety, regain healthy habits (e.g. physical exercise, eating well), as well as simply have a clearer outlook on your life. In our daily life, Mindfulness can boost performance both physical and intellectual, promote creativity and deepen your intuition, improve relationships and bring spaciousness into your life.
There is a plentiful number of research papers and evidence suggesting how Mindfulness can assist; however, no matter what is written until you try it you will never know how it may help you.
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